Internet Safety Training – Cancelled – to be rescheduled

The Arc of Blair County 431 Jackson Avenue, Altoona, PA, United States

Target audience includes professionals in the field serving those with Developmental Disabilities.  Topics include:  Internet safety, cyber bullying, social and legal consequences, social networking, catfishing and more!

Internet Safety Training – Cancelled – to be rescheduled

The Arc of Blair County 431 Jackson Avenue, Altoona, PA, United States

Target audience includes professionals in the field serving those with Developmental Disabilities.  Topics include:  Internet safety, cyber bullying, social and legal consequences, social networking, catfishing and more!

ODP Meeting Regarding CPS Billing

North Star Services Conference Room 125 Lakemont Park Boulevard, Altoona, PA, United States

Target Audience:  Program staff involved with CPS Billing

Person Centered Thinking Training

Person Centered Thinking Training provides basic introduction and foundations in person centered supports. Attendees will learn:   The importance of being listened to and the effects of having no positive […]

Person Centered Thinking Training

SASMG's Training Room 157 Lakemont Park Boulevard, Altoona, PA, United States

Person Centered Thinking Training provides basic introduction and foundations in person centered supports. Attendees will learn: The importance of being listened to and the effects of having no positive control […]

Person Centered Thinking Training 1 and 2

SASMG's Training Room 157 Lakemont Park Boulevard, Altoona, PA, United States

Person Centered Thinking Training provides basic introduction and foundations in person centered supports.

Person Centered Thinking Training – CANCELLED

SASMG's Training Room 157 Lakemont Park Boulevard, Altoona, PA, United States

Person Centered Thinking Training provides basic introduction and foundations in person centered supports.  Attendees will learn: The importance of being listened to and the effects of having no positive control […]